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Exploring the Benefits of Ongoing Chiropractic Care

Written By Heuser Chiropractic on January 22, 2024

a woman getting an adjustment

Visiting a chiropractor offers benefits beyond just pain relief. Many people visit their chiropractor regularly, even when they aren’t in pain, to take advantage of their holistic wellness services and preventive care options. At Heuser Chiropractic Health and Accident Recovery Center in Yuma, AZ, our chiropractor Dr. Douglas Devries has decades of experience in chiropractic care, chronic pain management, and injury recovery. 

Drug-Free Pain Relief and Pain Management

Dr. Devries can help you overcome chronic pain or just general aches and pains without relying on prescription painkillers. Chiropractic care unlocks the body’s natural ability to heal itself. Chiropractic therapies are non-invasive, nonsurgical, and drug-free. If you want to try all-natural remedies for pain without resorting to prescription medications or invasive procedures, our team can help. 

Injury and Illness Prevention

Chiropractic care improves the immune system and nervous system so the body can better fight off infection and disease. Chiropractic therapies also increase core strength, improve balance and posture, remedy dysfunction, and restore range of motion and mobility. You will be less likely to get injured when you exercise, play sports, participate in your hobbies, or fulfill your job duties.

Improved Physical and Mental Health

Ongoing chiropractic care can improve your physical and mental health. Dr. Devries offers holistic healthcare, which means he addresses issues that affect your physical and mental health. He can recommend a treatment plan that addresses issues with sleep, diet and nutrition, weight, stress and anxiety, depression, and more. By relieving pain and improving your overall health and wellness, chiropractic care can also improve your mental health, mood, and outlook on life. 

Enhanced Quality of Life

Dr. Devries is committed to helping patients overcome pain and dysfunction so that they can live a happier, healthier life. He will design a personalized chiropractic care plan that addresses past, present, and future health to enhance your overall quality of life. 

Visit Our Yuma Chiropractor Today

If you’re ready to improve your overall health and wellness through chiropractic care in Yuma, AZ, visit us at Heuser Chiropractic Health and Accident Recovery Center. Dr. Devries and his team will complete a full physical examination and medical history, run diagnostic testing, and design a holistic wellness plan that addresses existing symptoms and prevents future pain and injury. Contact our office to request an appointment today. 

Posted In: Chiropractic