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Lesser-Known Signs of Whiplash After a Car Accident

Written By Heuser Chiropractic on April 10, 2023

auto injuries

It can be hard to know if you should visit a chiropractor after being in a car accident. You may feel fine, but many auto accident injuries don’t show up until days or weeks after the accident. One such injury is whiplash, an injury that can be sustained after being rear ended or hit from the side. Take a look at these lesser-known whiplash symptoms, and then make an appointment with our chiropractor for auto injury treatment in Yuma.

Headaches and Migraines

Whiplash can cause or contribute to recurring headaches and migraines. If you were in an auto accident and are suddenly experiencing frequent headaches or migraines, or if your headaches or migraines have gotten worse or more frequent, you should visit our chiropractor. He will do an auto injury assessment to uncover any hidden injuries or complications.

Referred Pain and Symptoms

Without chiropractic whiplash treatment, you may experience referred pain and symptoms. This means that your pain and symptoms extend beyond just affecting your neck. If you have neck pain, stiffness, tenderness, and trouble moving your head back and forth or up and down, plus these other referred symptoms, you should visit our chiropractor for whiplash treatment:

  • Shoulder pain, stiffness, and tenderness
  • Headaches or migraines
  • Jaw pain
  • Upper or lower back pain
  • Numbness, tingling, or weakness in the arms and hands

Neurological Problems

A rare side effect of untreated whiplash is neurological problems. When you visit our chiropractor immediately after an auto accident, he will check you for signs of neurological problems. But if you don’t seek treatment, whiplash can progress to the point where it causes neurological issues like confusion, disorientation, loss of concentration, balance problems, insomnia, loss of appetite, changes in personality, irritability, ringing in the ears, blurry vision, memory problems, and bladder issues.

Get Evaluated for Whiplash and Other Auto Injuries in Yuma—Visit Us Today

If you were in an auto accident in Yuma and want to be evaluated for whiplash and other common auto injuries, come see us at Heuser Chiropractic Health and Accident Recovery Center. Dr. Heuser and his staff specialize in diagnosing and treating auto injuries, including whiplash, using safe, effective, and non-invasive chiropractic care. You can call us at (928) 726-8847 to learn more or schedule an appointment.


Posted In: Chiropractic Auto Injury Whiplash